Auf Abwegen (Stadtspaziergang)

Ukr 2019 facebook eventimage ws12 001
UKR Wandersalon Witten c Caroline Seidel 170319 35
UKR Wandersalon Witten c Caroline Seidel 170319 31
UKR Wandersalon Witten c Caroline Seidel 170319 18
UKR Wandersalon Witten c Caroline Seidel 170319 08

"Not finding your way around in a city doesn't mean much. But to get lost in a city, as one gets lost in a forest, requires training" — this is the conclusion Walter Benjamin comes to in his volume of essays Berlin Childhood. But how do you get to know a familiar city in a new way? This is exactly what the art education team of Urbane Künste Ruhr is asking itself in preparation for the exhibition project Ruhr Ding: Territorien. Art in public space is related to its surroundings, to the neighborhood, infrastructure and history of a place, even if this relationship can sometimes only be described negatively as ignorance, for example when an existing sculpture is moved rather arbitrarily from the studio into the urban space. Interesting projects, on the other hand, are created for and with certain places and situations, they shape them and are shaped by them. Based on this premise, the mediation team is currently developing a program dedicated to the multiple readings and experiences of art in urban space. This edition of the Wandersalon lives up to its name: on a tour on foot through Witten, this form of mediation is to be tested and the city is to be mapped anew together.

Performative city walk with artist Zauri Matikashvili and curator and author Kay von Keitz.