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Alina Schmuch

©Daniel Sadrowski

Based on photography and its extension in the medium of film, Alina Schmuch (*1987 in Münster) uses artist's books and video installations to investigate the interaction between the visual medium and reality. In doing so, she raises the question of what influence the camera has on reality and what realities become visible through it. Photography and film serve her as an investigative medium that enables aesthetic examinations of visual and verbal structures. In her artist's book Script of Demolition (Spector Books, Leipzig 2014), for example, she presents and arranges the photographic archive of the Fink family of blasters, who have meticulously documented each of the blasts they have carried out over the last 60 years. The blasters use the camera like a measuring apparatus to be able to study the process and the result in detail. In her current project, she works with images of the reticulated water infrastructures in the Ruhr region.From January to March 2022, Alina Schmuch was a resident artist in the programme Zu Gast bei Urbane Künste Ruhr in Essen.

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