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  1. Home
  2. Emscherkunstweg
  3. Neustadt


©Daniel Sadrowski


Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord
Emscherstraße 71 
47137 Duisburg

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A total of 23 sculptures form a fictitious city composed of various real buildings that have been demolished in the Ruhr region since the turn of the millennium on a scale of 1:25. 

The selection of building types and construction tasks did not follow a strict system, but rather aesthetic, sculptural criteria and the desire to show a cross-section of local urban development. The sculptural installation is deliberately integrated into the seemingly fallow landscape that was actually created as part of the IBA Emscher Park in the 1990s and thus reflects - in addition to remarkable shifts in scale - the relationship between nature and culture. “Neustadt” evokes numerous associations and memories and at the same time invites the viewer to explore both urban planning and ecological issues, which are also reflected in the transformation of the Ruhr area and the Emscher conversion.interventions form an equally hybrid landscape.


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©Frederike Wetzels

Marta Dyachenko

Marta Dyachenko creates installations with model-like sculptures that critically question the relationship between nature, man and landscape.

Open Artsit

©Daniel Sadrowski

Julius von Bismarck

In his works, Julius von Bismarck examines perception, natural phenomena and urban space at the interface between art and science.
