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Kyoco Taniyama & Nico Alexander Taniyama

Kyoco+Nico are an artist duo from Tokyo and Berlin. The behaviour as well as the verbal syntax of the two cities tend to be exact opposites. Kyoco+Nico monitor such country-specific contradictions during their everyday life that influence the binary range of their subject matter, such as macro and microscopic views, digital and analogue, together with the past and future.

Their working process begins site-specifically as 'physical explorers'. Reflections on these accumulated experiences accompany their path to conceptual abstraction, both play with the attraction of paradoxes that are usually to be avoided. For Ruhr Ding: Territorien, Kyoco+Nico are combining their forms of expression, such as sculpture and media installation, for a third time, with a view to social transformation as a result of the shift from industrialization to digitalization.

Kyoco Taniyama visualizes her critical inquiry into current events, which she gathers by exploring foreign locations and social structures in a humorous way using photography, sculpture and installation.

Nico Alexander Taniyama combines his dual interest in media art and philosophical thought. His meta-approach, 'Everything we do, we can attempt on the meta-level', reflects both his theoretical and visual work.

Kyoco und Nico Taniyama baege 192717 ret