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Kristina Paustian

©Roland Baege

Kristina Paustian (*Omsk, RU) studied at the Berlin University of the Arts. She examines cultural anthropological and socio-political topics in her works. In cinematic images she focusses in particular on the themes of times of upheaval and technical utopias. Her films are characterized by a strong visual signature and her video works are often executed in plan sequences. For her first documentary ZAPLYV – Swimmers (2015, 77 min.) she received the ARTE Documentary Film Award for the best film and in 2017 she was part of the Berlinale Talents program. For the development of her debut feature film Velimir’s Prophecy she received the Elsa Neumann scholarship and the Robert Bosch grant. Her film essay Timekeeper is funded by the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe. Paustian's work was exhibited at Les Rencontres Internationals, Arsenal Cinema Berlin, Visions du Réel, Torino Int. Film Festival, Odessa Biennale, Athens Biennale, Tashkent Biennale, and in the Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, and more.