Marlin de Haan

©Daniel Sadrowski
Marlin de Haan works as an artist, gives workshops on theater and art performances and lives in Düsseldorf. She studied in Rosemarie Trockel's class at the Düsseldorf Art Academy until 2014. In 2016 and 2017, she worked in Zagreb as part of a scholarship from the Düsseldorf Cultural Office and - supported by the Kunststiftung NRW - in Istanbul. In 2019, the artist was awarded with the Förderpreis der Stadt Düsseldorf. In her artistic practice, Marlin de Haan deals with the tensions between bodies and objects in space as well as the possibilities and limits of action areas, performance and narrative formats. She stages spaces, designs objects, installations and texts, realizes performances, happenings and interactions in public, private and art spaces and in various working constellations.