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Tim Holland

Portrait of the artist Tim Holland, who works as an author, literary agent and publisher, wearing a blue jacket and cap against a green background.

© Simon Grunert

Tim Holland is an author, literary mediator and publisher based in Berlin. In his latest volume of poetry “wir zaudern, wir brennen” (Matthes & Seitz Berlin 2022), he explores new forms of coexistence in a near future. The long poem was also realized as a kinetic installation under the title “Die drei Jahreszeiten” (premiere Poesiefestival Berlin 2023). He runs writing workshops and organizes literary events, most recently an unconference on speculative writing, which resulted in the anthology “Kollaps und HopePorn” (Maro Verlag 2022). In 2023 he was writer-in-residence in Hausach and Gelsenkirchen. He has been co-publisher of hochroth Verlag Munich since 2017.