Cranger Kirmes

UKR Wandersalon6 Crange 2018 c Daniel Sadrowski 1523
UKR Wandersalon6 Crange 2018 c Daniel Sadrowski 1736
UKR Wandersalon6 Crange 2018 c Daniel Sadrowski 1686

Funfair is the opposite of everyday life: dizziness, intoxication, fun, and a sense of detachment that sometimes borders on hysteria. It is a place of controlled exceptionalism, an experience shared by different people. An important aspect is music. Trance is still a very popular genre, which — except currently in the musical underground — is otherwise hardly played. At the Wanderersalon at the Cranger Kirmes, we explored artistically and in conversation how social identity is negotiated through music at the Kirmes.


The Wandersalon took place on August 7, 2018 at the Cranger Kirmes in Herne.

Audio recording